
Ephraim Wegner
Dorfstraße 38
79194 Heuweiler

E-mail: i n f o @ a n t i – m a t t e r – p l a n t . o r g

Responsible as regards content under § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV: Ephraim Wegner

ANTI-MATTER-PLANT is endeavored to place at disposal correct and complete information on this website. However, it takes over no liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the provided information.

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RELEASE 07 2004 – 2024

Nicola L. Hein, Gunnar Geisse – Guitar Deconstructions

RELEASE 06 2004 – 2024

Ephraim Wegner – Das Ende des Anfangs

RELEASE 05 2004 – 2024

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